Maven, Eclipse and Tomcat: alternative to WTP

Despite some frustrations, I like using Maven in my Java projects for its dependency management and standardized project layouts. Since I develop in Eclipse primarily, I use the m2eclipse plugin to make Eclipse maven-aware. Which generally works well, except in the case of developing web applications. Eclipse’s primary tool for managing web application development is the web tools project or WTP. WTP takes a fairly heavyweight approach to web apps; in particular it likes to copy the contents of a project into a special location (typically ${workspace}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0) and use that as the web application context. It has to re-copy, including maven dependencies, when code is updated. Partly for this reason, and partly because WTP and m2eclipse don’t always play nice, I’ve been looking at alternatives.

A colleague recommends the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin for Eclipse, which runs only Tomcat (fairly obviously), not the other app-containers that WTP supports, but does so in-place: there’s no need for code to be copied to a temporary context. Although there’s no Eclipse update URL, it’s easy enough to install the plugin. The plugin provides a Tomcat extension DevLoader, which puts dependencies (including maven-managed dependencies) on the app’s classpath without them needing to be in webapp/lib. To enable the DevLoader functionality with Tomcat version 6, I had to follow the instructions on this blog post to make a devloader.jar, rather than follow the instructions on the plugin website (which I suspect worked for older versions of Tomcat).

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